Applicant should be familiar with the prospectus of DBC which gives clear information about admission, registration and Degree programs.
The closing date for completed application along with Rs. 300/- application fee to reach DBC without late fee is 15th May of every academic year. The closing date for completed application to reach DBC with late fee Rs. 500/- (in addition to the application fee of Rs. 200) is 31st May.
Send the application forms and the supporting documents by registered/speed post or courier service to the Registrar, Doon Bible College.
The applicants, who are waiting for the results should produce their original certificates, if selected, by the month of July of the academic year.
Document Required From the Applicant:
- Duly completed application form along with application fee Rs.300/- (non-refundable)
- One Xerox copy of each page of all academic records such as Diplomas / Degrees / Mark sheet / Transcript, etc. (All the Originals are to be produced at the time of registration.)
- Two copies of passport size colour photograph of the applicant taken recently;
- The applicant's statement (Testimony) with regards to his/her Christian experience and personal commitment to Jesus Christ;
- The applicant's statement regarding his/her purpose in pursuing theological studies at DBC;
- The Medical Certificate, Recommendation Letters, Sponsor's financial statement, as per the prescribed form.
- No objection certificate is required in case of transfer students.
- Three references are needed for each applicant on the three prescribed forms of two pages each and to be sent directly by each referee to the registrar's office.
Admission at DBC
Those offered a place at DBC must confirm their acceptance in writing, including their initial down payment of 25% by the end of May. Unless these conditions are met, the applicant's place may be given to another applicant on the waiting list.
Admission Week
Short-listed applicants will be invited to DBC and their placement is decided based on the entrance exams and interview (English, analytical skills, general knowledge and Bible knowledge) on specified dates. Students must arrive on DBC campus on the dates specified and must inform the Registrar of the exact date and time of arrival in advance so that accommodation is made ready.
Organizational Sponsorship
Those applicants who are sponsored by a local church, denomination, mission or established Christian organization, will be given priority for admission. (Sponsored means the organization recommends the applicant who will be accountable to the sponsoring body throughout the study). Special scholarship consideration will be given to the deserving candidates.
Academic Reference
A professor or a teacher who is acquainted with the applicant's academic performance should fill out this form.
Church Reference
This form should be filled out by your local church pastor.
Day Students
Non-campus-based students may be admitted provided they satisfy the Admissions Committee, reside within a reasonable distance from DBC (say 30 minutes’ drive), and give a written undertaking upon registration that they will abide by the regulations and seek to participate in the campus community. They must be on campus from 8 am till 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday and until 1:00 PM on Friday. To occasionally come late or leave early, they must have permission from the Dean of Students. Day students have their mid-day meal at DBC Monday to Friday during term-time, for which a prescribed charge applies.